AWS Auto Scaling vs Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler - Which Scaling Solution is Better for Your Business?

September 17, 2021

AWS Auto Scaling vs Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler - Which Scaling Solution is Better for Your Business?

If you are managing cloud infrastructure, scaling is one of the most important tasks you need to perform. The goal is to maintain the right balance between cost-effectiveness and performance. In this regard, AWS Auto Scaling and Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) are two popular tools to automate the scaling of cloud resources.

In this blog post, we will provide an unbiased comparison of AWS Auto Scaling and Kubernetes HPA to help you choose the best tool for your business.

AWS Auto Scaling

AWS Auto Scaling is a service that automatically adjusts the capacity of your Amazon EC2 instances based on demand. It offers two types of scaling:

  • Manual Scaling: You can manually increase or decrease the number of instances in an Auto Scaling group.
  • Automatic Scaling: You can set up rules to automatically scale up or down the number of instances in an Auto Scaling group based on metrics such as CPU utilization, network traffic, and other custom metrics.

AWS Auto Scaling is easy to use and has a wide range of scaling options. However, it is restricted to Amazon EC2 instances only and doesn't work with other resources.

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

Kubernetes HPA is a built-in tool that allows you to automatically scale the number of replicas of a pod based on metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and custom metrics. It is designed to work with Kubernetes clusters and supports a wide range of resources such as Deployment, ReplicaSet, and StatefulSet.

Kubernetes HPA is more flexible than AWS Auto Scaling, as it can scale multiple resources, including pods, containers, and services. Moreover, it has a sophisticated algorithm to calculate the desired number of replicas for each pod based on resource utilization and system performance.

Comparison: AWS Auto Scaling vs Kubernetes HPA

To help you make a better decision, we have compared AWS Auto Scaling and Kubernetes HPA based on the following parameters:

  1. Usage and Compatibility: AWS Auto Scaling is designed to scale Amazon EC2 instances only, whereas Kubernetes HPA can scale any resource that is managed by Kubernetes.
  2. Configuration: AWS Auto Scaling is easy to configure using simple policies and scaling rules defined in Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group. In contrast, Kubernetes HPA is more complex and requires extensive knowledge of Kubernetes configurations and YAML files.
  3. Scalability: Both tools are highly scalable and can handle any number of resources based on demand. However, Kubernetes HPA is more efficient in scaling containers and pods as it uses a more sophisticated scaling algorithm than AWS Auto Scaling.
  4. Cost: AWS Auto Scaling is more cost-effective than Kubernetes HPA as it is a built-in tool in the Amazon Web Services environment. In contrast, Kubernetes HPA requires you to set up a Kubernetes cluster and may incur additional expenses.


Both AWS Auto Scaling and Kubernetes HPA are powerful tools that can automate the scaling of cloud resources. AWS Auto Scaling is a good option if you are using Amazon EC2 instances, and you want a simple solution to scale them based on demand. In contrast, Kubernetes HPA is a better choice if you are using Kubernetes clusters and you need to scale multiple resources, including pods, containers, and services.

We recommend that you evaluate your business needs and choose the tool that best suits your requirements.


  1. AWS Auto Scaling
  2. Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
  3. AWS vs Kubernetes: Which is Better?

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